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Monday, October 18, 2010


Can we count a family as a social institution? Yes, a family can be a social institution it is the main source to make a society. Once a two people get married  the are known as a family. A family consists of a father, mother and their children is known as a Nuclear family. But if a family lives with grand parents and their children could be call as an extended family. so where does it make a society. Lets  talk about the society. As a person makes a family with these members, many families in a small area with common ideas will make a community. A society is a larger group of people which may have several organized communities.
Now shall we talk about a matriarchal society and a patriarchal society. In matriarchal societies, a woman will be the dominant member of the family and she makes the important decision for the family but in patriarchal societies, men has the same rights.
When all of these get together to live in a same society and are bound together through religion, language, ethnicity and perhaps a common government, they make a NATION. So this can be a SOCIAL INSTITUTION.

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